If you need to send confidential files safely via email, then Outlook-Zipper is just right for you.
With Outlook-Zipper, you can easily convert your email attachments into a password-protected zip archive, without having to call up external programs. Only those who know the password can access the files contained in the zip archive, making it possible to send files with confidential or personally identifiable data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) via e-mail.
Outlook-Zipper integrates with Outlook and provides a quick and easy way to package email attachments into a zip archive with just one click.
If desired, the passwords used can be stored in the Outlook address book for shared use and encrypted. Additionally, they can be encrypted with a personal password, so that no unauthorized person can read them.
Use Outlook as usual to create a new email. As soon as you have attached all the desired files to the email, start Outlook-Zipper to package the files into a password-protected zip archive.
You can now enter a password to protect the zip archive. Only those who know this password will be able
to read the files from the zip archive.
With a single click on "Create Zip Archive", all attachments from the email will be packed into the zip
archive and the email's attachments will be replaced with the zip archive, without any additional manual action required.
Outlook-Zipper can store the used password in the Outlook address book in the recipient's contact of the email, so that it will be available again quickly when creating the next email. To do this, you only need to activate the option "Store password in address book" and Outlook-Zipper will save the password encrypted in the address book. With a click on "Search for password in address book", Outlook-Zipper can quickly find the password again and you save yourself the trouble of entering it again when creating the next email
If a global address book (e.g. via an Exchange Server or Microsoft 365) is used, the passwords will be available to all other users automatically. If this is not desired, the passwords can be encrypted with a personal password so that no unauthorized person can read them.
The passwords used to protect the zip archives can be stored encrypted in the address book by Outlook-Zipper.
With the "Manage Passwords" button, all stored passwords in the address book are loaded and displayed.
Shared passwords and passwords that are additionally encrypted with your personal password will be displayed in plain text and can be changed. All other passwords, which cannot be decrypted (because they are encrypted with a different personal password), will be displayed as ***** and cannot be changed. However, entries can always be deleted.
Outlook-Zipper can be customized to meet your personal preferences in order to make its use as quick and easy as possible.
The most important setting is the personal password, with which the stored passwords in the address book
can be additionally encrypted.
If a shared (global) address book (e.g. via an Exchange Server or Microsoft 365) is used, all stored passwords
are available to all Outlook-Zipper users. If the passwords in the address book should only be readable
for your own user, a personal password must be entered.
The passwords stored in the address book are readable by all users who have entered the same personal password in their settings.
The options for creating a ZIP archive can be preset through the surface settings, so that the options are automatically selected when starting the Outlook-Zipper according to your wishes.
With the last option, you can set whether Outlook-Zipper should automatically search for the last used password for the recipient of the email when started or if you want to start the search manually through the button.
Outlook-Zipper is licensed per user. A user may use his license on all their devices.
When starting Outlook-Zipper for the first time after installation, a 30-day trial version is automatically activated.
With the trial version, you can use Outlook-Zipper for 30 days with all functions and without restrictions.
After the trial period expires, it will be automatically converted to a free "Free"-Version.
This allows you to continue using Outlook-Zipper free of charge. However, the "Free" version is limited:
• Stored passwords in the address book are not supported.
• Only one attached file to the email is supported.
• The name of the created ZIP archive is "Outlook-Zipper" and cannot be changed.
If you want to use Outlook-Zipper with its full functionality, you need to buy a license.
This can be found here:
Buy Now: Outlook-Zipper Digistore24
Price for a user license: 59 €
Outlook-Zipper is a product of independent information systems GmbH. More information about us can be found on our homepage: https://independis.de
If you have any problems with Outlook-Zipper, questions about its use or licensing, or if you would like to request new features, you are welcome to contact us at any time via email: service@outlook-zipper.com
independis information systems GmbH
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97084 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 931 940 342 0
Fax: +49 931 940 342 55
E-Mail: info@independis.de
represented by (Geschäftsführer): Bernd Holzer
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Responsible for content: Bernd Holzer
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Last Update: 04-MAR-2025